How to Take A Screenshot In Microsoft Office

If you are working on a document in Microsoft Office such as Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, etc. you might find an image that you would like to insert quickly. Third party tools are available, but you might not be aware of the screenshot tool Office has to offer. Here is your step by step guide to taking a screenshot.

1)      With your Office document open, click the Insert Tab on your display toolbar.

2)      Navigate your way to the Illustrations Tab  

3)      Click the Screenshot Screenshot option

4)      At this point, you will have 2 options to choose from:

a.        The first being the Available Windows option. This option allows you to insert a screenshot from any window you have open instantly.

b.      The second option is Screen Clipping. By clicking this, your screen will gray out and you can now drag your cursor to outline the section of your screen you would like to clip. The screenshot will then be automatically placed into the document.