HIA-LI Gala: What We Can Learn

An Article By: Stephanie Memos, Marketing Coordinator 

Every September, the Hauppauge Industrial Association of Long Island recognizes excellence from companies across Long Island with their Red Carpet Business Achievement Awards Affair. If you aren’t familiar with the HIA-LI, HIA-LI is one of the largest business associations on Long Island which represents about 1,000 companies ranging across many industries and CHIPS happens to be a member.

This year, the HIA-LI held their Business Achievement Awards Gala to acknowledge Finalists in Four Business categories. We attended the Gala not only because we were a finalist, but because of the mere fact that the HIA-LI focuses so strongly on Long Island Businesses and the Betterment of the Business Community.

Being a Long Island Based Company since 1993, we could definitely appreciate what the HIA-LI had put together before us. During the Gala, discussions amongst business professionals focused on key factors of success and how Long Island’s Businesses should be aware of these factors. What we were able to discuss with other attendees of the Gala was how Long Island needs to embrace Technology and use it as the driving force to grow our companies. The reason CHIPS has become so successful over the years on Long Island is largely because we recognize the value and importance of technology to any business. We are constantly helping our clients grow and innovate by using technology as a cornerstone to become top industry performers within the Long Island Business Community. We continue to strongly encourage all businesses to have an open mind when reviewing their objectives and consider technology as a differentiator that will better push them to success.

It can be intimidating at first when considering how to embrace and incorporate new technology solutions into your business, but with an experienced, knowledgeable partner, you will definitely feel reassured that you are one step ahead of competitors in your industry. I know there are some people that may be thinking their business wouldn't really benefit from the latest and greatest in hi-tech solutions, but that is expired thinking. Technology is the now and embracing it with open arms only showcases that your business is not only conscious, but innovative. Remember what the HIA-LI emphasizes during their Gala Luncheon, excellence in Long island Businesses.

Overall, The HIA-LI’s 22nd Annual Business Achievement Awards not only showcased Long Island’s top organizations in a truly memorable way, but got every business executive thinking about how we can better Long Island’s Business Community. We look forward to attending the HIA-LI Gala next September with hopes that technology is even more embraced and that companies continue to thrive in the Long Island Business community.